Breast cyst is a very frequent finding in women. It is a benign mass which can be perceptible either during self-examination through palpation as a hard and mobile lump, or it may be accidentally diagnosed during screening breast examination (mammography or breast ultrasound,palpation by the doctor).

How is breast cyst created?

Over the years and owing to hormonal changes, the female breast changes. These breast changes contribute in the creation and growth of cysts. In particular, the mammary gland is constituted by lobules (small cellular spaces where milk is produced) and lactiferous ducts (thin ducts which carry milk to the nipple). Cysts are, essentially, pocket-type enlargements of the lobules or ducts in which locally produced fluid is collected.

Which symptoms do breast cysts present?

Cysts can appear either in one or in both breasts. Their size varies from few millimeters to up to several centimetres. Sometimes, when they are very small, it may be unfeasible to identify them through palpation. However, they may swell before menstruation and thus become perceptible or even painful.

Moreover, a cyst can present symptoms similar to those of breast cancer, such as the emergence of skin changes.

Diagnosis of breast cyst

Even with the doctor’s palpation, it is not always easy to differentiate if a breast tumor is cystic or not. In order to achieve precise diagnosis, an ultrasonography examination is required, which shows if the breast mass contains fluid (cyst) or if it is solid (eg. fibroadenoma).

Treatment of breast cyst

Treatment is necessary only for cysts which cause symptoms. Asymptomatic cysts do not need any treatment and they may recede automatically, over time. Regarding treatment of large and painful cysts, they are aspirated with a needle. If the fluid is bloody, it will be sent for cytological examination.

If a cyst continues to appear in the same region after aspiration, its surgical removal is advisable.

One month after aspiration, a repeat ultrasound examination is recommended, in order to check if the cyst has disappeared.

The existence of cysts in the breast of a woman does not mean increased probability of cancer development, although a cyst may conceal cancer. For this reason, you should not neglect your regular preventive examinations. If you palpate your breast and feel a new lump, you should immediately contact  your trained mastologist.

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